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IF創設者 ミセス・ブラウンより


日本の青少年の皆様 1978年春



会長 ミルドレッド・M・ブラウン

※創設者 ミセス・ブラウンはこの手紙を書いた翌年の1979年2月に亡くなりました。 志を引きつぎ、IFのNY本部は今年で66年間交換留学プログラムを運営しています。


Spring, 1978
Young People of Japan:

International Fellowship, in more than twenty-six years of striving to bring young people of the world together, has placed more than 30,000 exchange students in homes and schools in foreign countries. Yet I am especially proud of the many Japanese students who have overcome such formidable obstacles to contribute to the success of International Fellowship High School Student Exchange Program.

I have devoted my life to exchange student because I see it as the most important means available to help the serious student develop the cosmopolitan attitudes necessary in a peaceful world. This is why I invite all interested students to join me in INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP.

Mildred M. Brown, President